Our HKIS Chapter's Activities
May 28th, 2020

October 30th, 2020

March 28th, 2021

This was the first time we celebrated menstrual hygiene day at school! We put posters on some walls at school and wrote messages on the bathroom mirrors. We were really grateful to be able to spread awareness on school campus and we hoped that this helped spark conversations about Period Poverty.
This year, the PFO Pumpkin Festival went online. Although we sell all year around, during special events, we post updates on our instagram account. During this month, we shared an update on our instagram about our pumpkin themed packaging for our peppers.
This year, the PFO World's Fair went online. During this month, we were grateful for the chance to have our shop listed on the shopping page for our school's annual World's Fair website. As a result, we also adjusted our packaging to fit the World's Fair theme.

This was the first time we hosted a Period Product Drive at the High School campus. In the mornings of May 20th, 2021, we stood at the entrance gates to collect period product donations from our friends, peers, classmates, and teachers. Because of the amazing and kind support from our school community, we were able to donate over 153 packages of pads, which totaled to be a little over 1000 single pads. Half of the products from the period drive went to a Sri Lanka to support girls and women in need, while the other half went to girls and women refugees in Hong Kong. Through the Hong Kong-based charity RUN Hong Kong, we were able to meet the refugees and donate the products from our school's Period Product Donation Drive.